Audio tape of BGEA Southern California Crusade Breakfast, 1963.
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There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018 (person)
Evangelist, radio preacher, and author; born William Franklin Graham on November 18, 1918 in Charlotte, N.C.; graduated from Florida Bible Institute (1940 and Wheaton College (1943); ordained as a Southern Baptist minister, 1940; achieved national prominence in 1949 through his evangelistic meetings in Los Angeles; founded Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1952; had extensive evangelistic ministry throughout the world, 1949- ; authored many books and received many awards and honors; organiz...
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (corporateBody)
Evangelistic organization, founded in 1950 to: operate Billy Graham's ministry in a business-like way; provide a non-profit entity to receive donations for crusades and related ministries; plan and coordinate evangelistic meetings throughout the world; and with its agents and subsidiaries produce radio and television programs, films DECISION magazine, and books and records. The BGEA was instrumental in: founding the magazine, CHRISTIANITY TODAY, and Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center; sponsor...
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Southern California Crusade Breakfast (1950 : Los Angeles, Calif.) (corporateBody)
Evangelistic organization, founded in 1950 to: operate Billy Graham's ministry in a business-like way; provide a non-profit entity to receive donations for crusades and related ministries; plan and coordinate evangelistic meetings throughout the world; and with its agents and subsidiaries produce radio and television programs, films, DECISION magazine, and books and records. The BGEA was instrumental in: founding the magazine, CHRISTIANITY TODAY, and Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center; sponso...
Billy Graham Southern California Crusade (1963 : Los Angeles, Calif.) (corporateBody)